Claims Transparency with Shared Ownership

Transparency and relationships with shared owners are key to all social landlords and housing associations. Articles such as that by Alexandra Goss in The Sunday Times (Unfair Share, Sunday 30th September) raise questions as to the fairness of Shared Ownership and concerns over charges and other costs borne by the homeowner. Reputations may be questioned and, in a time, when social landlords and housing associations are widening the areas covered by their housing stock, the shared owner is having more choice as to which landlord they partner with.
From many perspectives, such as financial, efficacy and governance, it is important for social landlords to understand how their claims are being handled and their money is being spent particularly where the insurance policy is bought by the landlord and the premium may be shared amongst the various owners. This enables the homeowner to see that these costs are fair and that there are robust procedures in place to control how the claims are settled and the is insurance premium is controlled.
Hammersbach Consulting can help landlords and owners understand these costs and demonstrate their fairness in a number of ways:
Data Analytics – Good data is a key driver to risk improvements and cost savings. Client claims experiences can generate a wealth of data which is often not used to its maximum potential. At HCL we can work with you to extract the maximum benefit from your data to identify trends and emerging risks.
Financial Audits – The cost of claims to your business can be high. Our audit will independently review and analyse the cost of claims settlements by focusing on reserves, settlements, leakage and the hidden cost of claims handling. We can look for areas of improvement which could translate into direct savings and the knowledge that you are in control of the outstanding reserve values and any future financial liabilities.
Review of claims handling process – Our Claims Handling Review conducts a ground up assessment of your current claims handling service and provides an objective and quantified report on service efficacy, performance of your supplier, cost and any opportunity for cost savings.